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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 2 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 837
- Today's Topics:
- airport security (3 msgs)
- CB -> 10m conversion info wanted
- IF Filters?
- Phone Patch Construction question
- QSLs and SASEs
- Radio Direction Finding toys?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 21:31:11 GMT
- From: rochester!ray@pt.cs.cmu.edu (Ray Frank)
- Subject: airport security
- In article <30500268@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
- >
- >> You might be interested that my boss, who takes domestic flights quite
- >> frequently, ALWAYS makes outgoing calls on his RS portable cellular phone
- >> WHILE AIRBORNE.. and continues to do so, since to my knowledge he has never
- >> been hassled.
- >
- >Then he has not been on any flight I have ever been on because he would
- >get a big hassle from me real quick.
- >
- >Of course there is the problems he will be causing by accessing many
- >multitudes of cells concurrently, but I don't care about that.
- >
- >What I do care about is an aircraft being mislead into the wrong airspace,
- >not being able to see another airborne object, etc., and possibly being one
- >of the very low statistics of airplane accidents.
- >
- >--Phil Howard, KA9WGN--
- ><phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- Has it ever been verified that radios and hand held scanners, etc have
- been responsible for some sort of electronic problems aboard an aircraft?
- If this is true then how do they get safely over radio and TV towers that are
- putting out many thousands of watts? An aircraft flies over these all the
- time at only a few miles distance from them. And radios and scanners and
- their local oscilators put out only a micro watt or two. Cellular phones
- and other transmitting devices of course put out much more. But if these
- can cause problems then again the more powerful transmitting cells on the
- ground surely would be a problem too, wouldn't they?
- I once took a computer chess set on a long flight. Could the system clock
- have wreaked havoc upon this huge jet aircraft's electronics.
- Also, some people fly radio control aircraft near the local airport here.
- These transmitters have enough power for line of sight control and real planes
- come quite close on their approach and takeoffs. Yet, I've never heard of a
- problem. What really is the story here??? Inquiring minds want to know.
- ray
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 21:56:41 GMT
- From: atha!lyndon@decwrl.dec.com (Lyndon Nerenberg)
- Subject: airport security
- The only experience I've had with an HT in airports was the last time
- I was in Toronto. I purchased a used FT-208R while on the trip,
- and decided to carry it on the plan rather than pack it in one of
- my bags. While clearing security at the Pierson Int'l Airport, they
- ran my "cellular phone" through with no questions asked. What upset
- them was the keychain I was carrying. The one with the five little
- buttons you can push to get various starwars sounds effects? The one
- that didn't work 'cause I pulled the batteries so it wouldn't go off
- while I went through security? Anyway, the radio passed, but I spent
- 15 minutes disassembling my keychain before they would let me through.
- (In the process of doing this, in was mangled beyond repair. Once he
- said "OK, you can go" my first stop was at the nearest garbage can
- to dump the now useless keychain. I *hate* Toronto :-)
- --
- Lyndon Nerenberg VE6BBM / Computing Services / Athabasca University
- {alberta,decwrl,lsuc}!atha!lyndon || lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA
- The Connector is the Notwork.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 21:25:58 GMT
- From: cs.utexas.edu!oakhill!dover!darla!waters@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Strawberry Jammer)
- Subject: airport security
- In article <30500268@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
- }
- }> You might be interested that my boss, who takes domestic flights quite
- }> frequently, ALWAYS makes outgoing calls on his RS portable cellular phone
- }> WHILE AIRBORNE.. and continues to do so, since to my knowledge he has never
- }> been hassled.
- }
- }Then he has not been on any flight I have ever been on because he would
- }get a big hassle from me real quick.
- Me too, and I fly VERY frequently too.
- }Of course there is the problems he will be causing by accessing many
- }multitudes of cells concurrently, but I don't care about that.
- Agreed.
- }What I do care about is an aircraft being mislead into the wrong airspace,
- }not being able to see another airborne object, etc., and possibly being one
- }of the very low statistics of airplane accidents.
- Remember that celular phones are quite close in frequency to the radar
- transponders that tell ATC all kinds of nice things about the aircraft. Then
- think of the RFI problems, like extending the landing gear in flight. The
- controls are all electrical on most airliners, better shielded than your
- neighbor's Stereo but still subject to the same RFI!
- At best a dumb stunt IMHO.
- *Mike Waters AA4MW/7 waters@dover.sps.mot.com *
- What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 02 Nov 89 15:57:56 CST
- From: Rick Troth <TROTH@ricevm1.rice.edu>
- Subject: CB -> 10m conversion info wanted
- On Tue, 31 Oct 89 12:15:34 MST Gary Kendall said:
- > I remembered a fellow ham showing me (several years ago) an old CB
- >that he had converted to work 10m FM ...
- I don't know about FM, but converting a RS TRC-452 to 10m AM
- was easy enough. I've never completed the work to enable CW on it.
- I need to add a BFO; it transmits CW just fine.
- The digital PLL synthesizer (in the 452 anyway) is fed BCD from
- the 40 position switch. I fiddled with that some (it has like 8 or 10
- MHz coverage!, tho only about 1 MHz at a time; ya have to tune it near
- the range you want). The PLL gives you 15360 KHz + the BCD number on
- the input * 10 KHz as output. Note that 15360 is a multiple of 512
- (which is a power of 2; binary comes into play).
- I also "flipped the image" on the receiver's front end.
- (this is fuzzy for me ... it's been at least five years) It does dual-
- conversion, with a 10240 KHz (another multiple of 512) stage and a 455
- KHz stage. 455 KHz times 2 is 910 KHz. The base of my new coverage is
- 910 KHz above CB, plus 300 KHz, which I got by tweaking the digital
- input to the PLL. I also get a little wider range (CH1 to CH40)
- than the CB did from the same BCD fiddling.
- "Speculate, but only trust proven conclusions." - Cliff Stoll
- Rick Troth <TROTH@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU> ------------- Rice ONCS VM Systems Support
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 20:05:46 GMT
- From: rti!sunpix!gb@mcnc.org ( Sun Visualization Products)
- Subject: IF Filters?
- Where can I buy crystal or monolithic filters for an intermediate
- frequency of greater than 30MHz? I've seen articles about receivers
- with 45MHz IFs using Piezo Technology filters (even giving part
- numbers) but the person I spoke to at Piezo Technology said they do
- custom high-volume work only. I'm looking for something in the
- 40-75MHz range with 3kHz to 15kHz bandwidth. Two poles would probably
- be enough but 4 to 8 would be better.
- Anybody know where I can get these things?
- Gary Bishop wa4fut
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 15:50:29 GMT
- From: asuvax!anasaz!john@handies.ucar.edu (John Moore)
- Subject: Phone Patch Construction question
- In article <47652@bbn.COM> clements@BBN.COM (Bob Clements) writes:
- >In article <408@entec.Wichita.NCR.COM> kthompso@entec.Wichita.NCR.COM (Ken Thompson) writes:
- >The legal means of control can be either a control link on
- >another band, at or above 220 MHz, or it can be a phone line,
- >obviously separate from the line that the patch is on. Note that
- >
- >Very few clubs actually do this, of course. It costs money to have
- >two phone lines, for example. But that's what it takes to really
- >be legal. The club I was most recently active in does it
- We (Arizona Repeater Association) do this. Recently we were shopping
- for a patch controller (I get tired of having to fix the one that I
- built for ARA). ACC said they had NEVER had anyone ask for control on
- other than the input frequency! Their RC-85 only has one DTMF controller
- (although it may be switched to a control receiver on commant). This means
- that there are a heck of a lot of illegal patches out there!
- --
- John Moore (NJ7E) mcdphx!anasaz!john asuvax!anasaz!john
- (602) 861-7607 (day or eve) long palladium, short petroleum
- 7525 Clearwater Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
- The 2nd amendment is about military weapons, NOT JUST hunting weapons!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 16:35:09 EST
- From: Robert Carpenter <rc@cmr.ncsl.nist.gov>
- Subject: QSLs and SASEs
- I usually send SASEs with my 6-meter cards, QSL managers generally require
- them, and it seems to HELP on getting other responses. Many unsolicited cards
- come with SASEs, but certainly not all.
- Back in '83 I operated on 6-meters from FG7 for a couple of weeks. As far as
- I can tell, there had been no 6-meter activity from Guadeloupe for the
- preceeding 10 years, and there hasn't been any since my operation. I was
- a new country for even Ed Tilton (W1HDQ) and Bob Billings (VE1YX-he now has
- 95 countries on 6). I expected to be swamped with cards from all 180 stations
- contacted (the VUCC grid system had started).
- I got unsolicited cards from about 60-70% of the stations contacted; some had
- to QSL me twice since I think the neighbor's dog ate some before I got back
- home! After a year or so I sent QSLs to all the rest, and asked for cards
- in return. VERY few replied.
- Just another data point.
- 73, Bob W3OTC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 89 19:03:32 GMT
- From: mips!prls!gordon@apple.com (Gordon Vickers)
- Subject: Radio Direction Finding toys?
- In article <1530@ultb.UUCP> cep4478@ultb.UUCP (C.E. Piggott) writes:
- >Did anybody see the new toy for little ones, called "Hide n Seek" ?
- > {lines deleted -gpv}
- >Sort of a high tech version of a very old game, that ham-parents
- >will love :-)
- OR a new tech version of an old tech toy. I remember seeing an aritcle
- in a late 1950's edition of "T.V. and Radio" (or some similarily titled
- magazine) of a similar toy.
- The transmitter was a simple one or two transistor RF oscillator. The
- recievier was any portable AM radio (they are directional ya' know).
- Didn't beep and probalby wouldn't look as nice as today's "store bought"
- version but certainly cheap to build and prehaps even interesting enough
- for the kids to "help" with.
- Gordon Vickers 408/991-5370 (Sunnyvale,Ca); {mips|pyramid|philabs}!prls!gordon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Earth is a complex array of symbiotic relationships:
- Every extinction, whether animal, mineral, or vegetable, hastens our own demise.
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #837
- **************************************